
This section illustrates how to run ksrates on the use case dataset proposed in the Explained example, where the rate-adjustment is relative to the focal species oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). The use case dataset is stored in the GitHub repository under the example directory. The pipeline steps can be run either through Nextflow (recommended) or manually. In either case it is advised to use a computing cluster.


WSL2 users can enter the Windows file system from the terminal through e.g. cd mnt/c/Users/your_username.

Clone the GitHub repository to get the use case dataset:

git clone

Run example case as a manual pipeline

The pipeline can otherwise be run by manually launching all the individual commands which it is composed of. This also allows to re-execute single desired steps.

The syntax to run a command depends on how the package is installed:

  • Local installation:

    ksrates [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
  • Singularity container:

    Open an interactive container where to launch commands with the syntax indicated in the local installation above:

    singularity shell docker://vibpsb/ksrates

    Or launch a single command through the container:

    singularity exec docker://vibpsb/ksrates ksrates [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]


    WSL2 users need option -B to mount the Windows file system in the container (e.g. -B /mnt/c/Users/your_username).

    Singularity downloads the container image from Docker Hub in $HOME/.singularity/cache and from then on makes use of the local copy.

  • Docker container:

    Open an interactive container where to launch commands with the syntax indicated in the local installation above:

    docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/temp -w /temp vibpsb/ksrates

    Or launch a single command through the container:

    docker run --rm -v $PWD:/temp -w /temp vibpsb/ksrates ksrates [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]

    The --rm option is given to remove the container after the command is executed to save disk space (note that the container image will not be removed). The -v option mounts the current working directory in the container, while -w lets the command be run within this directory.

    Docker pulls the container image from Docker Hub and from then on makes use of the local copy.

In order to submit the command as a job on a compute cluster, wrap the command in the appropriate syntax for the cluster executor system/HPC scheduler (e.g. qsub for a Sun Grid Engine (SGE) or compatible cluster or a PBS/Torque family scheduler). It is strongly recommended to run the KS paralog and orthologs estimation steps (see commands below) on a compute cluster.

An overview of the commands is available by accessing the package help menu (ksrates -h):

generate-config       Generates configuration file.
init                  Initializes rate-adjustment.
orthologs-adjustment  Performs ortholog substitution rate-adjustment.
orthologs-analysis    Computes ortholog divergence times Ks estimates.
orthologs-ks          Performs ortholog Ks estimation.
paralogs-analyses     Detects WGD signatures in paralog Ks distribution.
paralogs-ks           Performs paralog Ks estimation.
plot-orthologs        Generates ortholog Ks distributions plot.
plot-paralogs         Generates rate-adjusted mixed Ks plot.
plot-tree             Generates phylogram with Ks-unit branch lengths.

The order of execution of the single commands to run the whole workflow is the following. We assume here a local installation without the use of a ksrates container.

  1. Access in a terminal the directory that will host the rate-adjustment results (assumed here to be example) and unzip the sequence data files in there::

    cd ksrates/example
    gunzip elaeis.fasta.gz oryza.fasta.gz asparagus.fasta.gz elaeis.gff3.gz
  2. The example directory already contains a pre-filled configuration file (config_elaeis.txt).


    To generate a new configuration file for your own analyses, run the following command and fill in the template as described in ksrates configuration file section:

    ksrates generate-config config_filename.txt
  3. Run the initialization script to obtain the ortholog trios for the rate-adjustment (rate_adjustment/elaeis/ortholog_trios_elaeis.tsv) and to extract the species pairs to be run through the wgd ortholog KS analysis (rate_adjustment/elaeis/ortholog_pairs_elaeis.txt):

    ksrates init config_elaeis.txt

    This step also generates wgd_runs_elaeis.txt in the launching directory, which lists all the commands to be run in steps 4 and 5.

  4. Launch the wgd paralog KS analysis to estimate the whole-paranome KS values (paralogs_distributions/wgd_elaies/elaeis.ks.tsv) and optionally the anchor pair KS values (paralogs_distributions/wgd_elaies/elaeis.ks_anchors.tsv):

    ksrates paralogs-ks config_elaeis.txt --n-threads 4

    Using multiple threads to parallelize the analysis will reduce the compute time. The --n-threads option configures the number of threads to use (set this according to your available resources, i.e. CPUs/cores; we recommend a value around 10 and thus the use of a compute cluster).

  5. Launch the wgd ortholog KS analysis to estimate the ortholog KS values for each required species pair. These are listed in rate_adjustment/elaeis/ortholog_pairs_elaeis.txt:

    ksrates orthologs-ks config_elaeis.txt elaeis asparagus --n-threads 4
    ksrates orthologs-ks config_elaeis.txt elaeis oryza --n-threads 4
    ksrates orthologs-ks config_elaeis.txt oryza asparagus --n-threads 4

    Using multiple threads to parallelize the analysis will reduce the compute time. The --n-threads option configures the number of threads to use (set this according to your available resources, i.e. CPUs/cores; we recommend a value around 10 and thus the use of a compute cluster).

    The output files are generated in the directory ortholog_distributions, e.g. the first command generates the file ortholog_distributions/wgd_asparagus_elaeis/asparagus_elaeis.ks.tsv. The two species names are in case-insensitive alphabetical order.

  6. Estimate the mode and associated standard deviation for each ortholog KS distribution:

    ksrates orthologs-analysis config_elaeis.txt

    The results are stored in a local database, namely a TSV file called by default ortholog_peak_db.tsv and generated by default in the launching directory (see ksrates configuration file).

  7. Plot the ortholog KS distributions for each focal species–other species pair (and each of their trios):

    ksrates plot-orthologs config_elaeis.txt

    The command generates a PDF file for each species pair with the three ortholog KS distributions obtained from each of the species trios the species pair is involved in. Note that if multiple trios/outgroups exist, the file is a multi-page PDF showing one trio per page. The two species names are in case-insensitive alphabetical order. In this example case there is only the E. guineensisO. sativa species pair, thus the correspondent PDF file generated is rate_adjustment/elaeis/orthologs_elaeis_oryza.pdf.

  8. Perform the rate-adjustment. Pre-requisite: all wgd paralog and ortholog KS analyses (steps 4 and 5) and ortholog KS distribution mode estimates (step 6) must be completed.

    ksrates orthologs-adjustment config_elaeis.txt

    The branch-specific KS contributions and the rate-adjusted ortholog KS mode estimates are collected in rate_adjustment/elaeis/adjustment_table_elaeis.tsv.

  9. Plot the adjusted mixed paralog–ortholog KS distribution plot (rate_adjustment/elaeis/mixed_elaeis_adjusted.pdf):

    ksrates plot-paralogs config_elaeis.txt
  10. Plot the phylogram based on the input phylogenetic tree with branch lengths equal to the KS distances estimated from the ortholog KS distirbutions (rate_adjustment/elaeis/tree_elaeis_distances.pdf):

    ksrates plot-tree config_elaeis.txt
  11. Plot the adjusted mixed paralog–ortholog KS distribution with inferred WGD components:

    ksrates paralogs-analyses config_elaeis.txt

    The method(s) used for detecting WGD signatures depends on the paralog analysis settings in the ksrates configuration file(s): if collinearity is turned on, the anchor KS clustering is performed (rate_adjustment/elaeis/mixed_elaeis_anchor_clusters.pdf), otherwise an exponential-lognormal mixture model is performed (rate_adjustment/elaeis/mixed_species_elmm.pdf). Additional methods can be executed upon specification in the ksrates expert configuration file (rate_adjustment/elaeis/mixed_species_lmm_paranome.pdf and rate_adjustment/elaeis/mixed_species_lmm_colinearity.pdf) (see Expert configuration file).

Practical considerations

When dealing with large input phylogenies it is useful to know that ksrates can be used iteratively, by starting with a small dataset and subsequently adding additional species to finetune the phylogenetic positioning of any hypothesized WGDs. For such iterative analyses the pipeline can reuse data from previous runs, and will only perform additional calculations on the extended dataset where needed.

When ksrates is run, the ortholog KS values for each species pair in the input phylogenetic tree and the associated ortholog KS modes are stored in a local database. When the ksrates pipeline is subsequently rerun with additional species included in the input phylogeny, ksrates will skip the ortholog KS calculations for any species pair for which an ortholog KS mode has already been stored. The database consists of two tabular files (ortholog_peak_db.tsv and ortholog_ks_list_db.tsv, see Other output for more details) generated/accessed by default in the working directory. A custom path location can be otherwise specified in the ksrates configuration file.

In case a user doesn’t want to reuse an existing ortholog KS mode of a particular species pair and wants instead to re-estimate it from the same input data but using e.g. a different number of bootstrap iterations or KDE bandwidth, the line concerning the mode has to be manually deleted from the ortholog_peak_db.tsv database file. The successive ksrates pipeline will re-estimate the mode according to the new parameters by starting from the previously computed ortholog KS estimates for the species pair concerned, thereby skipping the onerous ortholog KS estimation step.